sfrdj - キャラクターの創造のステップ






君はどのような種類のサイエンス・ファンタジーのヒーローをプレイしたいのだろう? キャラクター創造の開始にあたって良い方法は、君のキャラクターの個性の一般的な要点を決定し、いくつかの詳細をメモすることだ。彼女の過去と何を考えているのか、どうやって、なぜ彼女は冒険者になったのか。このステップの間、君はスターファインダーで提示される種族、テーマ、クラスを参照することができる。だから君は提示されたオプションから考えると良い。15ページのサイドバーにはこれらの情報が簡単に紹介されていて、これは始めるにあたって素晴らしい要点となる。;種族についての全情報は3章と13章に、4章にはクラスについて、そして28-37ページにはテーマの詳細が記載されている。種族は昆虫のようなシーレン、爬虫類的なヴェスクからヒューマンやエルフまでの君の特定の姿を示している。テーマは、君のこれまでの成長過程、訓練、運命などのいずれかの背景の要素を示す;これは、君のクラスに関連するものであってもかまわないし、そうでなくてもいい。クラスは君のキャラクターの戦闘時の能力で第一の焦点を示す。冒険の間、テクノマンサーがテクノロジーを操作し、呪文を詠唱する一方で、アンヴォイは英雄的な特技で彼女の味方を鼓舞し、命令を下す、などだ。
一度君が君の選択肢を決定したら、君のキャラクターについての簡単な説明、君が彼女が欲しがるものが何であるか(射撃できる銃、飛行するスターシップ、など)を考えてみよう。それが、この本のルールの内容をどのように使用するか一番良い方法だと気づくだろう。君は巨大なレーザーライフルを操る爬虫類生物になるプレイをしてみたいだろうか? ならば傭兵のテーマを持つヴェスクのソルジャーが完全な選択肢になる。もし、他人を馬鹿にするのが好きな挑発的な二足歩行のネズミが君のスタイルであるならば、無法者のテーマを持つオペレイティブのイソキがいいかもしれない。もし君が全く考えが浮かばないならば、他の作品の本を選んで、その登場人物にマッチするようなキャラクターを作ってみよう。

ステップ2:種族の選択/STEP 2: CHOOSE A RACE


ステップ3:テーマの選択/STEP 3: CHOOSE A THEME



ステップ4:クラスの選択/STEP 4: CHOOSE A CLASS

君のキャラクターのクラスを君のキャラクターシートの一番上に書き、その後に "1"を書いて、君が1レベルであることを示すこと。君のキャラクターが自分のクラスから得た他の能力についてはステップ6で扱うので、心配しなくてよい。

アンドロイド: 機械の部品で作られた人工人間、従属するように設計されて作られたが、現在は市民権を獲得している。(42ページ)
ヒューマン: 非常に汎用性と適応性の高い種族、絶えず拡大し探求し続ける。(44ページ)
カサタ: 高度に伝統的な文化を持つ遠い砂漠の世界からやってきた4本腕の種族(46ページ)
ラシャンタ: 魅力にあふれたテレパシー能力を持つ2つの副種族を持つ学者の種族。一つは身長が高く学習的であり、もう一方は短躯であり筋肉質である。(48ページ)
シーレン: 虫のような巣から逃走してきた昆虫のような種族。共同体精神主義だが、個人の選択に依存している。(50ページ)
ヴェスク: 戦争を好む爬虫類種族。最近になり、他の人類との間で停戦を宣言した。(52ページ)
イソキ: 「鼠人間/ラットフォーク」とも呼ばれる、この毛むくじゃらの生えたごみあさりは大きな個性で小さな体躯を補っている。(54ページ)
エースパイロット: すべての関連知識と伝承に精通しているスターシップやその他のヴィークルの巧みな操縦者。(29ページ)
バウンティーハンター: 逃げ出した人の痕跡を追いかける事に情熱を捧げる絶え間ない追跡者。(30ページ)
アイコン: 特定のニーズに対して一般の崇拝を活用することができる著名かつ尊敬される有名人。(31ページ)
マーセナリー: よく訓練された幸運な兵士で、戦闘小隊や部隊の指揮官としても同様に働くことができる。 (ページ32)
アウトロー: 闇市場や仲間への裏切りで、法的問題からの手配をされている人物。33ページ)
プリースト: 哲学や宗教に専念し、他の信者の中に強い影響力を持つよ献身する人々。34ページ)
スカラー: 幅広い基礎知識とそれを拡大するための渇きを持つ熟練した研究者と最先端の思考家。(35ページ)
スペースフェラー: 強い直感を持ち、外来生物学と地誌研究に関する深い知識を集めた落ち着かない探検家。(36ページ)
ゼノシーカー: 異星の生命形態の達人にして、彼らとの交流をその人生の最も有益な成果の一つとする。(37ページ)
テーマ無し: 上記のニッチには適合しないが、個人的な判断と訓練の道を歩む。(28ページ)
アンヴォイ: 偉大で英雄的な偉業を達成するために仲間にインスピレーションを与える幅広い技能に優れたカリスマ的な人物。(60ページ)
メカニック: 機械や技術の達人にして、ドローン・コンパニオンや強力な脳インプラントを作成する。(68ページ)
ミスティック: 宇宙の法則を打ち破るような強力な力との謎に満ちたつながりを持つ魔法使い。(82ページ)
オペレーティブ: 準備の出来ていない敵への優位を活かすことに長けた幅広いノウハウを持つ隠密戦闘者。(92ページ)
ソラリアン: 恒星の力を持つ武器やアーマーを星から授与された訓練された戦士。(100ページ)
ソルジャー: 膨大な種類のアーマー、銃器、そして近接武器のエキスパートにして、特定の種類の装備の扱いに長けた人物。(110ページ)
テクノマンサー: 技術に適応し、強力な効果の関門を解除することに使用することが出来る魔法使い。(118ページ)




Now, determine the powers, special abilities (called class features), and other key statistics your character gains from being 1st level in her class. The table at the beginning of each class section includes your character’s base attack bonus, which helps determine how good she is at attacking. You’ll add this base value to her melee and ranged attacks; see Chapter 8 for more details on combat. That table also indicates your character’s base bonuses for her Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws. See Step 9 for more information on saving throws.
Additionally, your character’s class affects her total Stamina Points (SP). Stamina Points measure how much punishment she can absorb before it begins to really hurt her and reduce her Hit Points. At 1st level, you gain the number of Stamina Points listed in your class + your Constitution modifier. At 1st level, you also add the number of Hit Points indicated in your class to the number of Hit Points you gain from your race. (See page 22 for more about Hit Points and Stamina Points.)
Finally, your character’s class influences how many skill ranks she can assign per level (see Step 7), and determines her armor and weapon proficiencies (see Step 8).
Note your character's total Stamina Points as well as her total starting Hit Points. Record her base attack bonus and the base saving throw bonuses she receives from her class. (Step 9 explains how to calculate your character’s final saving throw modifiers.) Also write down your character’s 1st-level class features.


Next, figure out what skills you want your character to be good at, whether it’s using technology or surviving in the wilderness. At each level, she gains skill ranks, representing her growing know-how and training. The number of ranks she gains at each level equals her Intelligence modifier + an amount determined by her class (but she always gains at least 1), and you can allocate the ranks to any skills you want. Some skills are called out as class skills in your class entry―these are skills tied to your class, and you automatically get a +3 bonus if you put a skill rank into them. (You can still put ranks into skills that aren’t class skills; you just don’t get the special +3 bonus when you do.) For more on skills and how they work, including information about trained-only skills and penalties for wearing armor while using skills, see Chapter 5.
Once you’ve assigned your character’s skill ranks, choose her feats. Most characters begin play with one feat, though humans gain a racial bonus feat. Feats are a good way to boost an element of your character that might be lacking. For example, Toughness grants extra Stamina Points, while Bodyguard lets you protect nearby allies from attacks. See Chapter 6 for more information.
Assign your character’s skill ranks on your character sheet―remember, her ranks in a skill can never exceed her character level! If any of the selected skills are class skills, note that she receives a +3 class skill bonus in the appropriate box. Include her ability score modifier for each skill. Note her feats, and if any provide bonuses to skills, put them in the skills box for miscellaneous modifiers. Finally, add up and record her total skill modifier for each skill that isn’t a trained-only skill.


At 1st level, your character has 1,000 credits to spend on armor, weapons, and other supplies (though your GM may give you alternative instructions for how to choose your gear). Armor and weapons are often the most important―keep in mind that your character’s class determines the types of weapons and armor that she is proficient with. Your character’s weapon determines the damage she can deal in combat, while armor affects her Energy Armor Class (EAC) and Kinetic Armor Class (KAC)―see Step 9 for more on Armor Class. Additionally, there are other staples that can help your character during play. For more on the equipment available and how much it costs, see Chapter 7.
Once you’ve spent your character’s credits, note the equipment she owns as well as any remaining credits. Record your weapons on the appropriate lines, as well as their relevant details, including how much damage each weapon deals (see page 240 for details about how to calculate damage).


Now add the following details to your character sheet.
Note your character’s alignment, which plays a role in her personality. See page 24 for more information.
Armor Class
Energy Armor Class (EAC) and Kinetic Armor Class (KAC) represent how difficult your character is to hit in combat. Energy Armor Class represents her ability to avoid injury when hit with energy attacks, such as lasers. Kinetic Armor Class represents her ability to avoid injury when hit with physical attacks, such as bullets. (See page 240 for more information.)
The values for EAC and KAC each begin at 10. Add your character’s Dexterity modifier to each value. Then add the EAC bonus and KAC bonus that her armor provides to the respective values. You’ll also want to note your character’s Armor Class against combat maneuvers, which is her KAC + 8.
Attack Bonuses
You noted your character’s base attack bonus in Step 6, but you still need to calculate her total attack bonuses with melee, ranged, and thrown weapons. To do so, add her Strength modifier to her melee and thrown attacks, and add her Dexterity modifier to her other ranged attacks. Then add any miscellaneous modifiers from feats or class features to the appropriate attacks.
Carrying Capacity
This is how much bulk your character can carry based on her Strength score. She is encumbered (see page 275) when carrying an amount of bulk equal to or greater than half her Strength score, and overburdened (see page 276) when carrying an amount of bulk equal to or greater than her total Strength score.
Note the deity your character worships, if any. See page 482 for more information on religions and philosophies in Starfinder.
If you haven’t already, write a short description of your character.
Home World
This is where your character was raised, whether it’s a planet, a space station, or even an asteroid. (See Chapter 12 for inspiration.)
Your character’s initiative modifier is added to her initiative checks to determine the order in which she acts in combat. It’s equal to her Dexterity modifier plus modifiers from feats or other abilities that affect initiative.
Your character begins play speaking and reading Common, her racial tongue (if any), and the language of her home world (if any). If she has a positive Intelligence modifier, she knows a number of additional languages equal to that value. See pages 40–41 for more on languages and a list of languages to choose from.
Resolve Points
Your character can use Resolve Points for many important purposes, including replenishing her Stamina Points and powering some class features and other abilities. At 1st level, your character has a number of Resolve Points equal to 1 + the ability score modifier for her class’s key ability score. For more information on Resolve Points, see page 22.
Saving Throws
From time to time, your character will need to determine whether she can avoid or shake off an effect or spell. When this happens, the GM will call for a Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throw, depending on the situation.
A saving throw is a d20 roll to which you add your character’s base saving throw bonus of the appropriate type and other applicable modifiers. Your character’s class determines her base bonus to each type of saving throw. Additionally, you apply her Constitution modifier to her Fortitude saving throws, her Dexterity modifier to her Reflex saving throws, and her Wisdom modifier to her Will saving throws―and you must do so even if a relevant ability score modifier is negative. Finally, you apply any additional modifiers to specific saving throws as appropriate, such as bonuses from feats or other abilities.
Your character’s race determines her size (see page 255).
Your character’s land speed at the beginning of play is 30 feet, unless she has an ability that modifies it (or penalties from armor or encumbrance). See Chapter 8 for more information on speed and movement.
While you can play Starfinder without the starship rules, most adventures assume the PCs are (or will soon be) crew members of a shared starship. Ask your GM whether you’ll be starting out with a starship or potentially acquiring one as part of an adventure. If you begin with a starship, ask the GM for its statistics, and find out whether you’re able to customize it―at the very least, every ship needs a good name! See Chapter 9 for more on starships.

Once you’ve recorded all of this information on your character sheet, you’re ready for adventure!